It seems like everyone claims to be a money manager today, and you don’t have to search far to find a “financial advisor” or “wealth management firm”, but what sets us apart here at Windsor Wealth is not only our commitment to our clients but our experience and knowledge. We have a combined 65 years experience working as money managers in the financial industry, and with that experience comes the intimate knowledge of how to advise you on money matters based on you and your lifestyle decisions.
Based in our office just north of Atlanta in the small town of Gainesville, Georgia, we like the small town feel and how it affords us the opportunity to truly get to know our clients. Whether you’re a local Gainesville or North Georgia native, or drive up from the big city of Atlanta (or elsewhere), we welcome you and are excited to learn more about you, your financial situation and whether or not we would be a fit for your money management needs.
Once we spend time with you, interacting and learning, we can determine if the fit is right. If we’re a good fit to work together, we then listen to your short, medium and long-term goals and work to put a plan in place to guide your decision-making, provide money management tips, and ultimately meet all of those goals. So, give us a call today at (678) 971-1337 and let’s set up a time to chat about your investment future and see if we could be the money managers that you’ve been looking for!